Friday, February 20, 2009

How will North Carolina Spend its Stimulus Package?

Curious what North Carolina has in store for the stimulus package? Stimulus Watch has a state by state list of “shovel ready” projects for which the mayors in each state have requested federal stimulus funding. The website lists the amount of funding requested and the number of jobs each project will create. It also allows users of the website to update project information, leave comments, discuss projects, vote for the ones they believe are most critical, and share project information with their friends.

But just because a city doesn’t appear on the Stimulus Watch website does not mean that those cities do not have projects they'd like to see funded. Once the stimulus bill passes, cites will make requests for federal grants, and we will likely see grants to projects not listed on the site.

The website lists projects by different “program types”. These sectors are federal funding streams — government programs designed to award money to the states for a variety of infrastructure-related uses. They are:

  1. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) - HUD program established in 1974 that awards localities funds to spend on local projects that promote urban vitality, and primary benefit low to moderate income persons.
  2. Energy - The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) is a Department of Energy program established in 2007 to provide grants to localities to adopt energy efficiency improvements.
  3. Transit Equipment and Infrastructure - Department of Transportation programs to purchase buses, street cars, and maintain transit infrastructure.
  4. City Streets/Metro Roads - The Surface Transportation Program, operated by DOT, provides bridge, bus, rail and road project funding
  5. Airport Technology and Infrastructure - Airport Improvement Program, a DOT program that provides funds for specific airport repairs and improvements (runways, rescue equipment, noise abatement)
  6. Amtrak - established by Congress in 1970 to operate passenger railways. Funding for railway upgrades, tunnels, bridges and stations.
  7. Water and Wastewater Infrastructure - federal grants used to repair water and sewer infrastructure, and protect the water supply
  8. Public Housing Modernization - HUD Public Housing Capital Fund for repairs to public housing
  9. Public Safety - Funding for the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) grant, and Byrne Justice Assistance Grant program, Justice Department programs that provide money to hire security personnel and equipment.
  10. Schools - a new federal program is proposed to provide federal funds to modernize school buildings.

Looks like sustainability is catching on all around the country, not just at UNC!
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