Friday, March 13, 2009

Rain, rain, don't go away...

Today (and probably this whole weekend) will be overcast and rainy. Not great for celebrating the last weekend of Spring Break, but sorely needed by our region to avoid drought conditions. While the good news is that our OWASA resevoirs appear full, the bad news is that most of the state is already suffering "Abnormally Dry" or "Moderate Drought" conditions. Hopefully this patch of wet weather can help us "top of" and avoid water shortages as the weather starts to warm up.
For daily updates on OWASA resevoir levels, visit OWASA's Water Watch at:

For regional maps of drought conditions, visit the US Drought Monitor at:

For information on UNC's water conservation efforts, visit us at:
PS - Go Heels!! Game is at noon, so tune in!