Thursday, May 20, 2010

Carolina in the News

Check out the recent media coverage of sustainability-related programs and practices at UNC:

Oil spill to hit North Carolina's coast?
WTVD-TV (ABC/Raleigh)
New concerns are emerging from the Gulf coast oil spill centering around tar balls. ... However, a leading expert on ocean currents says it may take a long time and it may not wash up on the sand, but the oil, in some form, is likely drifting North Carolina's way. "Out over a year, I would say there's almost a 100 percent chance that some part of the oil will show up off-shore in North Carolina," UNC Chapel Hill's Marine Sciences Program Professor Harvey Siem said.
Click here to read more.

Garden has plenty to beauty of celebrate (Column)
The Chapel Hill Herald
It's the time of year when entering a garden, the woods, or an abandoned meadow is a feast for the eyes. ...At the N.C. Botanical Garden, the last six weeks have been a headlong rush through a familiar sequence of blooming species. We are all about biological diversity here, and spring is the perfect time to show off the incredible diversity of the flora of the southeastern U.S. (Botanist Laura Cotterman works as publications and publicity coordinator at the North Carolina Botanical Garden in Chapel Hill. )
Click here to read more.

-Thanks to UNC News Services for finding these great stories AND compiling the summaries! You can find more UNC media coverage and stories online at