Monday, August 23, 2010

Two PAID Fall Semester Internships at the UNC Sustainability Office

The Sustainability Office at UNC Chapel Hill works with students, staff, faculty, administrators, and community members to catalyze the development and implementation of sustainable policies, practices, and curricula.  Interns will become familiar with the many sustainability practices, policies, and curricula at UNC, while receiving hands-on experience developing communication tools, supporting Sustainability Office initiatives, and assessing sustainable practices at UNC Chapel Hill.  All internships are competitive and require an in-person interview.

Internship #1: Education Internship
Wage: $10/hr
Hours: 10 hours/week
Responsibilities and projects will include:

  • Research and write case studies of select campus sustainability-related programs and practices.
  • Assist to develop and facilitate educational materials and events for faculty and staff
  • Staff promotional tables at special events, such as the UNC Science Expo (Sept. 25) and Campus Sustainability Day (mid-October)
  • Develop, publish, and maintain online Green Guides to promote sustainable choices
  • Assist in the development and promotion of an online pledge tool

Internship #2: Communications Internship
Wage: $10/hr

Hours: 10 hours/week
Responsibilities and projects will include:

  • Track, compile, and post summaries of media coverage of UNC sustainability programs
  • Compile and edit weekly email newsletters for Sustainability listserv
  • Manage online events calendar, Google Maps, and Facebook profile
  • Assist in maintaining, updating, and improving Sustainability Office and Carolina Green websites
  • Update and maintain Sustainability Office exhibit case
  • Staff promotional tables at special events, as needed, such as Campus Sustainability Day

Interviews will start next week, so apply ASAP! Click here to learn more and apply for these internships!