As you prepare to move out of your residence hall or apartment, you may discover items you don’t want or need to take with you. Consider donating used items to local non-profits. The Department of Housing and Residential Education (DHRE), Office of Waste Reduction and Recycling (OWRR), and Triangle Residential Options for Substance Abusers (TROSA) are partnering to collect usable items from donation stations in campus residential communities. TROSA will use the donations within their furnished residences and will sell surplus items to benefit their non-profit comprehensive treatment and work training programs. Check out the “zero-waste” move-out guide for more information.
Off-campus students can recycle many items at the Orange County Solid Waste Recycling Center on Eubanks Road, or contact Orange County Solid Waste Management to set up a collection area in your community. And for a list of organizations that accept household donations, click here. Donations support local non-profits, reduce your carbon footprint, strengthen the reuse economy, and preserve resources.
Learn more about local resources for recycling and waste reduction »