Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Quantitative proof that a 4-day work week is possible!

Last summer when gas prices were on the rise, everyone was talking about implementing a 4-day work week. Even here at the University, several departments introduced new schedules to lessen the financial burden on employees. However, few large-scale, public organizations made the 4-day work week a core part of their scheduling and operations - except Utah!

That's right - for the past year Utah has had 70% of executive branch employees working 4/10 schedules (4 days/week, 10 hours/day). Does it work? YES! What are the benefits?
  • Energy use has been cut by 13%, and working towards 20%
  • $1.8 million was saved in operational costs in 9 the first 9 months, with expectations to increase
  • Carbon footprint has been reduced by approximately 6,000 metric tons, not including the savings from fewer commuter drivers on the road
  • Traffic has decreased, which has related health and environmental benefits
  • 82% of employees prefer the change, with decreased health complaints, less stress, and fewer sick days taken
  • It saves employees money on commuting, which leaves more money in the local economy
Wow! So what are your thoughts? Would you like to work a 4/10 schedule? Could a large, public university operate efficiently with a 4-day work week?