Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A New Green Movement: Transition

England native Rob Hopkins saw how oil dependency and the climate
crisis could be particularly devastating for the future’s well being.
That is why he and others began forming the Transition Initiative which
focuses on making communities resilient in a post-carbon world,
basically making them sustainable communities. In Hopkins’ book, The Transition Handbook: From Oil Dependency to Local Resilience, he offers
a change that communities could make to generate their own power, to
grow their own food, and more in order to prepare for what happens when
oil runs out. The Transition movement is gaining momentum here in the
U.S. with training conferences in Minnesota, California, Florida, and
Maine occurring throughout the summer.

Check out the flyer below for information on what a training conference
would consist of and go to the following website if you want more
information about the Transition Initiative in the U.S.