Wednesday, May 13, 2009

New reclaimed water system brings water savings to UNC and the community!

This past Monday, May 11, UNC-Chapel Hill held a celebration and unveiled their new reclaimed water system that includes a 600,000 gallon concrete storage tank and will be able to have an output the equivalent of 10% of the surrounding community's water demand. UNC-CH partnered with Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA) and received grants and funding from the North Carolina Clean Water Management Trust Fun and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. All parties involved were represented at the event as Roger Perry, UNC-CH Board of Trustees Chair, Ed Kerwin, OWASA Executive Director, Philip A. Baddour, Jr., Clean Water Management Turst Fund Board of Trustees Chair, and David Price, U.S. House of Representatives, spoke at the ceremony. A tour of the facility followed. Check out the pictures below!

For more detailed information about the reclaimed water system, visit: