Wednesday, July 22, 2009

EV infrastructure? 2 solutions.

One of the largest hurdles to any new fuel - electricity, hydrogen, ethanol, anything - is the cost and effort required to build the new distribution infrastructure. Here are 2 interesting solutions:

First, place charging stations at parking spaces everywhere. This is exactly what Vancouver is starting to do! In a bid to become the next EV "hot spot," Vancouver City Council has passed new regulations that require developers to include EV plug-in outlets in at least 20% of parking spaces in new apartment buildings and some city-owned lots. You can read more about this plan here:

Second, place "battery-swap" stations everywhere. This is an interesting idea that addresses 3 issues - infrastructure, cost, and range. The most expensive and limiting component of an EV is the battery. Shai Agassi makes an interesting case - the battery should be considered the fuel, not a part of the car. Rather than buy an expensive, limited life battery with the EV, consumers would instead go to automated battery switch stations similar to gas stations. Consumers would just pay for a charged battery and hit the road! Watch this video to learn more about this idea:

And learn more about who is adopting Shai Agassi's plan at his startup "Better Place" at:

Your thoughts?