If you haven't already setup your sustainability profile at MakeMeSustainable, you can start by visiting http://makemesustainable.com. If you live in Chapel Hill/Carrboro, you'll automatically join our local group!
This week's project: "Lights Off" Stickers
This week is an easy project for everyone on campus. We need your help to conserve energy and reduce the University's operating budget. One of the easiest ways to do this is by turning off unnecessary light on campus. You can help in 2 easy ways:
- If you see a room that is not being used, make sure the lights are off. Common areas such as office kitchens, classrooms, and conference rooms are the most likely offenders.
- Request "Lights Off" stickers from your building's facility manager or the Sustainability Office (http://sustainability.unc.edu). You can put these stickers directly on the light switch to reminder others to help us conserve energy