Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Buying local and community gardens!

While yesterday's post was all about the importance of having a home garden, it is definitely true that not everyone can have a home garden. So what to do?

1) Buy locally produced food - including milk, produce, meat, bread, eggs, etc. That means is has been produced within 150 miles. When you buy local, your food will be fresher, there will be less pollution transporting food, AND your money will stay in the local economy. It's a win-win-win scenario!

Even if you live and/or work on UNC's campus, there are lots of opportunities to "eat local":

2) Seek out a community garden! UNC has the Carolina Garden Co-Op with multiple plots. Nearby is also the Northside Community Garden at 400 Caldwell St., and the Carrboro Community Garden within Carrboro's Martin Luther King Jr. Park on Hillsborough Road. Community gardens are great ways to meet other interested community members AND get yourself some real-life gardening experience!