Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Upside-down gardening

Although summer doesn’t technically begin for another ten days, it’s still a perfectly appropriate time to start that summer garden you’ve been dreaming about all winter. Don’t worry if you don’t have much of a yard to work with, or even a yard at all! A fun type of tomato gardening that’s recently been sweeping the nation’s porches and patios only requires a container (like a 2 liter soda bottle), some soil, string for hanging, a place for it to hang from—and, of course, the baby tomato plant itself.

For directions on how to make your own upside-down tomato plant holder (also known as “inverted tomatoes” or “topsy-turvy tomatoes”), visit: or or .

Upside down gardening not only looks great; it’s great for the environment too! Hanging baskets generally don’t have weed or pest problems, so chemical care is unnecessary. It’s even said that tomatoes develop faster hanging than growing from the ground up. Plus, it’s so fun that the neighbors will want to try it too, and soon everyone will be growing their own local and delicious spaghetti sauce, savory salsa or tasty tomato bisque!