Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Treasured Results

As some of you may have seen in the Daily Tar Heel, the Tar Heel Treasure sale was a wonderful success! Over 14.5 tons of goods were collected, $7,000 was raised for the Carson Scholarship, $1,000 worth of items were donated to the N.C. Children’s Hospital, and hundreds of wonderful community partners and volunteers worked together to make a wonderful sale!

Continue the conservation by keeping reusable items out of the trash. Donate used items to places like our local PTA Thrift. If you have a book, DVD, CD, or video game, you could even trade your item for another through websites like SwapTree.com (Eco-hint: use minimal packaging and ship/receive locally). And always, always recycle!

By reusing items and reducing waste, you’re saving natural resources and landfill space. In other words, reuse, reduce, recycle, and save the world!

To learn what items are recyclable in Orange County, visit http://www.co.orange.nc.us/recycling/community.asp.

To learn more about trading items online, visit www.swaptree.com.