Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Carbon Counter

No longer can the citizens of NYC only watch a counter clicking the US further into debt on the National Debt Clock. A new, similarly depressing display just opened a few blocks away, and is known as The Carbon Counter. It shows the amount of greenhouse gases being pumped into the Earth’s atmosphere every second—at an alarming rate.

At 70 feet high in a prime location outside of Madison Square Garden and Penn Station and with a current display of over 3,600,000,000,000 metric tons, it is impossible to ignore. This is exactly what the creator, Deutsche Bank, desires. By helping people recognize the reality of climate change, the bank hopes to inspire change.

And how about the sign itself? It uses low-energy LED lights and is offset by carbon credits.

To view the clock, and find out what you can do to turn back the numbers, visit: