Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Carolina in the News

Check out the recent media mentions of sustainability-related programs, practices, and people at UNC:

Fish ignore alarming noises in acidifying seawater
Science News
...Maybe the fishes’ ear bones, called otoliths, didn’t grow dense enough, muses marine biogeochemist Justin Ries of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He also notes that acidifying water has been shown to lower the absorption of low-frequency sounds, and this might have an effect on what fish hear.

UNC awards honor excellence in public service
The Chapel Hill News
UNC honored staff, faculty, students and organizations for their public service projects at the Carolina Center for Public Service's annual Public Service Awards Celebration and Showcase.

Scientists doubt claims methane gone after BP spill
Agence France Presse (Wire Service)
Scientists on Thursday cast doubt on a study that claimed bacteria ate nearly all the methane that leaked after the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, saying its methods were flawed. Describing the findings as "ambiguous" and "unconvincing," marine scientist and lead author Samantha Joye and colleagues from 12 other institutions wrote in the journal Science that the study's methods demanded a second look. ...Co-authors included experts at University of California, Santa Barbara; Florida State University; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; University of Washington, Seattle; US Naval Research Laboratory; Scripps Institution of Oceanography; and Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research.

UNC community garden celebrates its first year
The Chapel Hill Herald
...Row after row of vegetables separated by paths covered in wood chips grow in the Carolina Campus Community Garden on Wilson Street a block west of the Carolina Inn. Down at the end of West Cameron Avenue, two times a week, UNC’s housekeepers line up at a loading dock to grab a package of lettuce, a handful of onions, and a bunch of beets to take home to their families. ...With a small ceremony Thursday afternoon that included Chancellor Holden Thorp and other UNC officials as well as some of the housekeepers, the garden celebrated its first anniversary.

Thanks to UNC News Services for finding these great stories AND compiling the summaries! You can find more UNC media coverage and stories online at