Due to safety concerns, Chapel Hill Transit (CHT) is proposing to discontinue the following bus stops:
- A Route: Homestead Road at Southern Human Services (at stop sign)
- CW Route: NC Hwy. 54 Ramp at Jones Ferry Road (entrance ramp)
- CW & JFX Routes: Jones Ferry Road at Sterling Brook Apts.
- NS Route: Eubanks Road at Northwoods Drive
View a map of the Eubanks/Homestead bus stops at http://bit.ly/klmXCa
View a map of the Carrboro bus stops at http://bit.ly/jYDWsb
CHT will be taking comments until Monday, July 11, 2011. Comments may be submitted via:
- Email to chtransit@townofchapelhill.org
- Call (919) 969-4900 and press 1 for customer service
- Fax to (919) 968-2840
- Mail to CHT, 6900 Millhouse Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27516-8175